018/365 Clean and Shine

After months and having dirt all around the parts, I decided to bring my motorcycle to motorcycle washery near my house. With paying 7 thousands rupiahs and wait reading newspaper for about 1 hour, I had my motorcycle clean and shine again. See the shining rim? πŸ˜€

017/365 Futsal!

I love playing futsal. I play futsal in goalkeeper position. This is the picture of me and my class year mate in campus, after had a match in a campus’ futsal competition, named CS League.

016/365 After Friday Prayer

This is the view from 2nd floor of masjid/mosque near my office. People (all of them are men) were going outside the masjid/mosque after doing Friday Prayer (Sholat Jum’at), a mandatory sholat/prayer in the masjid/mosque for men every Friday noon.

015/365 Book Shelf

It’s the book shelf on my home. My family are quite book worm, so our book and comic collection are quite much, like this.

014/365 Traffic View From Fly Over

The traffic in road at Tanjung Barat area in the peak time at the morning as viewed from the fly over there. It’s not as crowded as Monday.

Ayo Ikuti Passionmu! Belum Nemu? Ini Petunjuknya! ;)

(cc) photo credit: Stephen Poff Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep …

013/365 Motorcycle Queue on Jakarta Zoo

in a public holiday like today, amusement or recreation park will be very crowded, visited by people all-around the city. this also happened in the only Zoo in Jakarta, Ragunan Zoo, not so far from my house. we can see people using motorcycle lining up waiting for their turn to enter the parking area. huff, …

012/365 Sharing Road to Mapres Fasilkom UI

Sore ini gw presentasi di depan, sharing pengalaman tentang mapres tahun lalu dan beberapa kiat terutama tentang karya tulis dan CV. Bareng gw, yang juga ikut presentasi ada dosen gw, Pak Adila, Manajer Kemahasiswaan Fasilkom yang cerita lebih teknis tentang pelaksanaan Pemilihan Mahasiswa Berprestasi Fasilkom UI tahun 2010 ini. Juga ada Pak Hisar Maruli Manurung, …

011/365 Bengkel Resmi Honda

kira-kira setiap bulan, harusnya motor Supra gw diservis rutin di bengkel. tapi dasar gwnya bandel, ga pedulian, dan dipadu dengan males, gw jarang ke bengkel. akibatnya, pas ke bengkel honda hari ini buat ganti oli sekalian, mas-mas mekaniknya bilang, “ini motor nggak dirawat ya, diservisnya telat.. udah kotor banget itu (di salah satu bagian mesinnya, …

010/365 Scratch on Helmet

somebody unresponsibly dropped my helmet from my motorcycle (I put the helmet on the rearview mirror) when I parked it in my campus’ parking area. hard-dropped from more than 1 metre tall, my helmet now has severe scratch on the face protector. too bad.. I don’t know who did this, so I can’t claim this …

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